Planning your trip to Skye and finding yourself overwhelmed by all the information available? 

Want to do more than tick off the usual places to go and find out how to explore Skye in more depth?

How about getting accurate and up-to-date information from someone actually living in Skye?

Join me in planning your trip to skye!


Our Isle of Skye Travel Tips Group was started to help people plan a better trip to Skye –  it’s now 25,000 members strong and still growing! 

It’s a great place to ask questions and get help. BUT, there’s only so much advice that can be given on Facebook.

I often see people wishing they’d known more before they came to Skye to avoid disappointments like not finding somewhere to eat or only going to places filled with other tourists.

I knew these things could be avoided with a little knowledge and planning, and sharing everything in one go. That’s why this workshop was created!

When you’re armed with the right information you can have the trip that meets, and hopefully exceeds, your expectations. 

The Details

Skye Trip Planner Example
  • 90 Minute Online Workshop including Live Q&A
  • When: TBC
  • Price: £27 (approx $35USD)
  • BONUS: Includes our downloadable Skye Trip Planner and Food & Drink Map!
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What's in the Workshop

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If you want to save time researching and get quick answers then this 90 minute planning workshop is for you!

We’ll talk about topics like:

  • All About Skye – Why it requires a different planning approach to other parts of Scotland
  • How to Plan What to Do – To get the best trip for YOU.
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • Driving Single Track Roads, Passing Spaces, & More
  • The Changeable Weather & the Dreaded Midges
  • Where to Eat & When to Book
  • What to Pack

About Me

Hi, I’m Sonja, a travel expert who’s been in the industry for the last 10 years. I’m proud to call Skye my home and love showcasing it online.

I vividly remember my first trip to Skye, and I haven’t lost that feeling of wonder when seeing it through a tourist’s eyes. But I also remember how daunting it can be to plan a trip, let alone one that everyone tells you will be “once in a lifetime.”

I have a real passion for helping people explore, and I want to do this in a way that is great for you and supports Skye.

Book into the workshop if you would like help or information from someone living on Skye!

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Sonja Migrating Miss Isle of Skye

Previous WOrkshop Feedback

I thought this was terrific! So grateful to have been able to participate in this!

You did an amazing job and I feel very blessed to have found your travel group!!

Incredibly helpful! You gave us information I didn’t even think to ask.

Planning a two week trip is overwhelming. This workshop helped me to understand the important aspects of putting my trip together.

This was such a terrific workshop, can’t thank you enough! 

Thank you so much for doing this. We can’t wait for our upcoming trip and know it will be perfect thanks to your assistance.

What to Expect

Step 1: Sign up using the button below (or any other on this page). It will take you to a calendar where you can select the 3rd November, the time of the workshop, and then enter your details and pay. 

Step 2: You’ll receive an automatic email confirmation with the workshop details. Make sure you have a Zoom account and know how to log in when the time comes. Check your speakers! 

Step 3: Join live! This will mean the possibility of asking your own questions during the Live Q&A. The workshop is 90 minutes long. If you can’t make it, a replay will be sent out to catch up. 

Step 4: Use our bonus planner and food map to put your plans in place with all the information you learned in the workshop. Enjoy your trip!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the workshop? 

It will take place on Zoom. You’ll need to have an account set up, but you don’t need to have your video on. Just sit back and watch!

How long is the workshop?

It will be 90 minutes long and includes a Question and Answer session at the end.

Is there a replay?

There will be a replay sent out, but if you can make it live please do so I can answer as many questions as possible at the end!

When do I get the planner and food map?

We’ll send out the planner before the workshop to the email you signed up with. It’s a downloadable and fillable document you can use to help with your planning, not a physical planner. The food map will also be sent at the same time and it is also downloadable so you can reference it when you’re here. 

Please note that I am not a travel agency, and I do not book flights or accommodation. The information shared is for general guidance only and I’m not liable for any issues or actions taken based on the content shared. 

Looking for More Specific Help?

Book a 1:1 Let’s Chat Skye session!

I also offer one to one sessions by the hour, where you can ask me ALL your questions about Skye and basically pick my brain to help you plan all aspects of your trip. 

More Info Here