In the spirit of keeping things real on the blog and giving you an insight into the behind the scenes of travel blogging and expat life I write a monthly thoughts round up series. It usually covers destinations I’ve been to, posts of the month and general stuff. Thoughts on what you want to know more of about expat life or travel are most welcome. And please share your month with me too!
May 2017. To say this month was a pretty big deal would be an understatement.
You know, that thing that adults do, that legal thing that ties you to someone else for the rest of your life. MARRIED. I’m not sure I believe it yet. I’d just gotten used to the weird and posh sounding “fiance” and now I have to say “husband”. It’s all a bit strange. But you know what else? It’s also amazing!
So May has been half wedding mad and the other half wondering what to do next. And blogging of course!
Destinations of the month
Edinburgh – 22 days
I spent most of the month in Edinburgh, which is no surprise given all the people coming here for the wedding. It would have been rude to leave! The first week of the month is a blur of last minute preparations and wedding stresses, but the day itself turned out to be one of the best of my life. Seriously.
I had such a wonderful day, made even better by the fact that most of the people there may never meet or be in the same place again. Living abroad so much has given me a rather eclectic group of friends, and EB has moved enough to gain his own set of randoms too. Seeing people who shouldn’t know each other chatting away in the Scottish sun (yes, I actually got sunburnt on my wedding day in Scotland) is something I’ll treasure. And watching EB as I walked down the aisle of course!
Oh, and the ketchup fit on the tables…
Why yes, our wedding may have been inspired by Pinterest…
But wedding aside, May has been a time of catching up on blogging stuff and wondering about my future. I’m in the process of applying for my next UK visa (ugh) and working out where to go from here. It’s the first time I’ve ever had the luxury of thinking about what I might want to do, and not just having to take whatever job is going to fund my next travel adventure. I’m also working hard at being location independent, not in the sense that I want to be a digital nomad, but that I want to be able to work wherever I like.
Isles of Lewis and Harris – 6 days
Right after the wedding we went on a mini-moon to the Outer Hebrides, basing ourselves on the Isle of Lewis. Later in the year we’re going on our official honeymoon, but after the wedding we wanted some time to relax and wind down, and the Western Isles was the perfect place!
A week without wifi and barely any phone service meant it was the first time I truly disconnected since I started this blog. The feeling of tranquility on the islands was so calming, and the scenery was breathtaking. I wasn’t going to write about this trip, but it was such an amazing place I couldn’t resist, and I’ve just published 11 reasons why you should visit Lewis and Harris, with more posts to come!
Inverness – 1 day
We took the ferry from Ullapool in the north of Scotland to Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, but the ferry times meant an overnight stop in Inverness on the way back. The capital of the Highlands is often overlooked on a Scotland trip, but it’s a great base for exploring.
Coventry – 2 days
I’d love to say I went to Coventry with plans to visit one of England’s much-overlooked cities and find some hidden gems, but actually, I just went on a girls weekend to a UB40 concert!
Highlights of the month
Getting married of course! Not just the wedding, but the actual being married part.
The Outer Hebrides have been on my bucket list for a long time, so finally getting to visit and being far from disappointed is a definite highlight. I just want to go back!
Lowlights of the month
The day before the wedding was particularly stressful, what with having forgotten we had an appointment to pick up our marriage licence and having one minor disaster after another. But it all worked out in the end and I wouldn’t change a thing!
Popular Migrating Miss posts from May
So You Married the Girl Who Travels
By far my most popular post, and one of those soul-bearing-afraid-to-hit-publish-and-be-skewered-by-the-internet kind of ones.
11 Reasons to Visit the Isles of Lewis and Harris, Scotland
The first of several posts I plan to write about this amazing place. A place to seriously consider adding to your Scotland bucket list!
Top Places You Must See When You Visit Montenegro
Montenegro is a stunning country in the Balkans, and one of my favourite trips last year. I finally wrote a post about the top places to see just in time for the European summer!
Other posts you might have missed
Expat Interview: Living it up in Barcelona
My expat interview series continues with a city I wasn’t too sure about at first, but now I want to return to! Let me know if you’re an expat reading this and you want to take part.
5 Ways to Get Around Madrid, Spain
Because I’m awful at getting lost and frequently take buses and train in the wrong direction.
Top Instagram Photo
Enjoying one of Edinburgh’s best views, up Arthur’s Seat.
What’s coming up?
You can expect many more posts on expat life coming up, plus destination posts on Scotland and catch up posts about places I’ve travelled to but haven’t written about. I love hearing from readers, especially if there’s something you want to know, so send me an email or contact me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!
How was your month?
Sonja x